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a free day, and by Christmas two of them, Perkola and Ronback, were installed in their new cabins in the country. Increasing numbers of Finns followed their example.

The Päivälehti (2 May 1914) found much to praise here "In the vicinity of Angora live hundreds of Finns in a neat settlement. Good roads and schools, postal service, and the telephone have been made available. There are good market outlets in the nearby big cities, and Angora has its own farmer stores."

By 1909 the Finns were involved in temperance work, but when they succeeded in a local referendum in stopping the granting of a liquor store license, they did not start a society of their own but sup

ported the society in neighboring Alango. However, there was a local church, in Idington, affiliated with the Suomi Synod, with a membership fluctuating between 25 and 50. There were also, surprisingly, two workers' societies, one for Angora proper, with 33 members in 1912, and the other covering the township area, with a membership of 27. Both tried to arrange cultural activities, and both sponsored dramatics. Out of some of these workers also developed communists, and some of them even emigrated to Russia: Nick Han

nula, Andrew and Salomon Laine, and Reino Roine. And in 1945 there were still some 30 subscribers in Angora to the communist Työmies and Naisten Viiri.


Suomi Synod Church in Idington.


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